Salted Caramel Smoothie by My Wholefood Romance

This week’s guest blog post is by Meg Thompson of My Wholefood Romance. When we first heard about her Salted Caramel Smoothie it was hard to not drool! It is dairy free, gluten free, vegan & paleo friendly, made with 100% real ingredients (of course!). Take it away Meg…

Salted. Caramel. Two very popular words, and for good reason in my opinion! Traditional caramel, although delicious, doesn’t technically scrape into the healthy realm… However, I was playing around in the kitchen the other day, and I believe I have a fabulous offering for you which provides the rich, silky sweetness, but with all natural goodies.

It all started with these roasted bananas.

roasted bananas copyThey look harmless enough, but oh my wow are they delicious! I have become a little addicted to adding them to my breakfast. Somehow I had some leftover, and thought oh great I’ll make a smoothie. Making a smoothie in itself is quite an exciting thing for me at the moment, I haven’t been making them due to our less than favourable (bloody cold) weather…but I digress. Roasted bananas. I threw a few things in the blender and then thought ooh salted caramel, and voila!

I am convinced the deliciousness of this smoothie is due to these roasted babies, but of course you could make it with fresh, ripe banana too, I’m sure it will still be great. However if you can at all be bothered, roast away!

salted caramel smoothie bottleServing wise, keep it modest. It is quite rich and insanely delicious so served out in small portions is the way to go. Or alternatively, serve it fancy dessert style as in the top image. It would make a great after dinner treat.

SERVES 1 – 2


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1/4-1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 cup nut milk (or milk of your choice)
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk
  • 1 medjool, or 2 small soft dates, pitted
  • 2 tbs cashews (ideally soaked for at least an hour)
  • A good pinch of sea salt to taste


Preheat oven to 180C /350F.

Slice the banana in half lengthways, and lay on a lined baking tray. Sprinkle with cinnamon, along with a tiny drizzle of maple syrup and coconut oil if desired. Pop into the oven for 20-25 minutes, until the banana is just soft.

Add all ingredients to a blender, and blend until smooth. It’s a good idea to start with just 1/2 the banana and date, and taste, as this is quite a sweet smoothie and you can easily add extra to your taste. Adding a few ice cubes to the mix is lovely too.

Enjoy as is, or if you are going for fancy, top with shavings of chocolate and cacao nibs – I used Loving Earth’s salted caramel chocolate, no words! x

salted caramel smoothie top

About Meg Thomspson from My Wholefood Romance

Meg Thompson is a naturopath, holistic nutritionist, and real food devotee. My Wholefood Romance is a cozy little online space to inspire others to step into the beautiful world of wholefoods and hang out.

Meg takes great care to gain a thorough understanding of her patients’ needs, background and vision for their own health and uses her knowledge, empathy and encouragement to guide her patients to their optimal state of wellness! She practices what she preaches, and in this way hopes to inspire her patients to do the same.

Meg has a special interest in women’s and children’s health, as well as digestive disorders and detoxification. She places emphasis on educating and inspiring patients to be able to manage their own health in the long term.

Creating amazing, delicious, and healthy recipes is a great passion of Meg’s, and she loves working with clients or businesses to produce recipes, menus, and meal plans that come with a glowing resume showcasing the beauty of wholefoods and their nutritional talents.

about_meg2You can find Meg at:


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