A touch of purity and an element of clearness… awaken your inner mind through bringing ‘Saucha’ into your life.

But hold up…  “what even is Saucha?”
Put simply, Saucha is one of the five Niyamas, stemming from Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga. It often translates as ‘cleanliness’, however not only physical cleanness (like a tidy room), but also an awakening of your inner mind.

Saucha is much more than just #YogaTalk… Incorporating Saucha into our everday life allows us to arrive on our mats with focus, but also aids us towards being healthier, happier and more aware.


HOW TO bring some Saucha into your life this WEEK…

Fresh & Clean Food

  1. Clean out the pantry of any processed, sugar-overloaded, expired CR@P!
    • Your body is your body, and we were only given one, so treat it well. Toxins and chemicals in our food can severely impact the way we feel physically, but also the way we think (for example, certain additives in food can create imbalances with our hormones, causing unnecessary mood swings).
  2. Clean out the fridge, and stock it with FRESH produce;
    • Like I suggested with the Pantry, clean out the fridge of any sauces, take away meals, high sodium foods that you know deep down your body will not enjoy in the long run.
    • Before you restock it, give it a good wipe down! All you need is a warm sponge, some white vinegar, eucalyptus oil or natural soap. Kill that bacteria – your body has enough of it growing inside you already.
    • Load it with fresh produce (organic where possible) from your local market, rinsing and storing it in such a way that keeps it preserved and fresh/alive for as long as possible.
  3. Cook once, eat twice;
    • Prep for the next day(s), depending on your weekly schedule.
    • The best way to preserve your perishable goodies is by ‘partially cooking’ them, and storing them in the freezer in freeze bags or glass containers. This means baking or steaming things like sweet potato, beetroot, pumpkin etc so they’re about 70-80% cooked. Allow to cool before storing in the freezer for later. This also makes it super easy and quick to whip up a delicious dinner dish when you come home from work (and cooking is the last thing on your mind…)
    • Making a salad, vegetable curry, soup or even loaded a quiche with lots of vegetables is another perfect way to utilise your goods. But don’t simply cook for one nights meal, make enough to last 1-3 days maximum (as leftovers are not only the easiest, but also the tastiest ‘next-day’ lunch option!)

A clean SPACE

  1. And by space, I emphasise your Bedroom;
    • It’s a place where you not only sleep, but hopes and dreams are also made and created. Lets start by OPENING up your windows, your balcony door, your bedroom door… allow fresh, clean and pure air to enter your room.
  2. See all those clothes on the floor, or on that chair?
    • Are they even clean, or are they dirty? How about all those tea cups or snack plates from the apple you ate earlier this morn… Yep, lets get rid of it all! Toss the dirty clothes in the wash and fold the clean ones up and pop in your wardrobe. Take the dirty dishes to the kitchen to be washed by hand (or a dishwasher if you’re lucky). Whilst you’re at it, grab the vacuum, broom, dust pan and/or duster, and give the entire place an old classic wipe down! With more space to work with now that all your junk is gone, you can thoroughly rid yourself of that excess dust gathering on the books sitting on your bedside-table.
  3. Change your sheets;
    • Even if you washed them a few days ago, lets be extra ‘Saucha’ today and pop them in the wash alongside your clothes. A dirty pillowcase is a strong contributor to troubled skin, especially if you’re someone who is prone to breakouts and has oily skin. I recommend changing your pillow case every 3-4 days, and sheets at least 1 or 2 times a week.
  4. Candles, incense, essential oils, flowers;
    • These are all great options to bring beautiful smells and clean air into your room naturally, without the nasty chemicals. They not only smell fantastic, but they really jazz up the interior of your room too!

A clean BODY & a clean MAT

  1. Take a shower before yoga, and wash your hair;
    • It may sound silly, especially for anyone practices in a heated room or just gets super sweaty, but trust me, it feels amazing. Clean sweat is much nicer than dirty sweat, especially when you’re wearing clean yoga clothes! Rocking up to yoga with freshly clean, wet hair has an incredibly cooling and purifying effect on you whilst you practice… it’s also better for your hair follicles to dry naturally than applying heat from a blowdryer, so it’s technically a win-win situation.
  2. Clean your mat;
    • We often wipe down our mats before and after practice, but the sponges we use are often communal, and therefore your mat is not necessarily getting the proper clean that it needs. Today, let’s give your mat a proper scrub before you leave home to practice – natural disinfectants like eucalyptus oil diluted in warm water works like a charm.
    • If your mat is at the studio, be sure to give it a sponge with the communal tools on offer, but after class today, let’s take your mat home. Take time this week before you next practice to give it a thorough clean, and clear away any built up muck and not-so-nice smells.


A clean MIND

  1. End your day with some self-love;
    • Whether that be a solo evening walk listening to relaxing tunes, or a bubble bath with essential oils and soothing fragrances, be sure to take the time to rest and unwind.
  2.  Meditation;
    • Bring your focus on affirmations such as “I am healthy” or “I am happy”, as these can really help to cement this new Saucha aspect into your daily life. Focusing the mind through Pranayama (breath work) is also another way to reach inner clarity.
  3. An early nights sleep;
    • Sleeping is where the magic happens – where our body soaks in all the goodness of the day, and makes way for new great opportunities to enter. So give your body all the time it needs in order to recharge for the week ahead.

Happy Saucha Detoxing xxx


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